Thursday, October 25, 2007

I know it's against the rules....

I'm adding a #6 to my MeMe. Why follow the rules? Why do what everyone else is doing? So here it is.....(drum roll)

#6. I don't care.
I'll take your advice on things, your criticism, your hatred. But ultimately, I simply do not care. If you don't agree with that I write about, that's fine.
If you do not read past the first post because no one will see your comment on a post from 2006, that's fine too.
If you're reading only to leave a trail of bread crumbs back to your own blog, that's cool.
If you stop reading simply because I don't read your blog, whatever. (Maybe you didn't like my blog much to begin with, then)
If you read my blog, because you enjoy what you read, I'm cool with that.
If you have a life, or better things to do, that's fine by me too.

Sure, I'd like 37 comments on a post, like some other blogs, but how do I know these comments aren't just another trail of bread crumbs? How do I know people are reading because they enjoy reading?

I write like I walk, talk, act. I have a bit of an attitude and I walk like I don't care that you're staring at me because I have a (God forbid!) hair out of place. I have really great grammar skills, but I don't use them when I talk, so why should write like an English major?

Come back if you like what I write, for jokes, funny photos, and videos.
Or don't.
It's not gonna be my biggest complaint on my death bed.


prin said...

LOL!! You're funny. :D

We're opposites- I'd rather it just be me and my blog, but what can ya do? lol

Deadpoolite said...

I dont care either about what you write but I have to fight insomnia anyway I can, LOL! Do you think we are soulmates or something based on our "non-caring" tendencies? LOL

Keep up the good fun posts girl!

DP out!

Brent Diggs said...

Frankly your attitude shocks me.

I am appalled that my opinion is not the defining principle of your life.

If you can't be all about me, then maybe you should get your own blog...oh, wait.

Never mind.