I have a problem with advertising. I say, OK I will not get sucked in to this new found blog. Skim the latest post, leave a comment so others can find me, and get outta there.
That's the plan, anyway. I get addicted to other people's lives since I have none of my own. I wonder how many people just skim my latest post and leave their "bread crumb"?
Hate to disapoint you folks, but nobody's gonna find your blog through my long-winded-woe is me stories. HA HA! Just wait till I begin to tell the story of my family. You'll be hitting the back button just as fast as you can.
Or become hopelessly addticted. Like a soap opera. Yeah, we're like a huge soap opera. Only the acting is better. The writing stinks, though.
Lindsey Lohan seems to have a screwed up family. I like to keep up with her goings on. It makes me feel MUCH better about my own family.
When in doubt, turn to white trash.
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Leaving Bread Crumbs
Posted by whatagem at 2:06 PM
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Speaking of bread crumbs, I logged into Technorati and there you were. Rather amazing how you can find your way to someone's blog.
Lindsey Lohan, Britney Spears... the list of poptarts/pseudo-starlets bent on self-destruction just seems to grow and grow. Can someone sell these girls a clue?
No they can't. I've known people who've fallen hard core into drugs and alcohol. The only thing that gets their attention is Mr. Rock Bottom
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