Saturday, August 18, 2007

Blood Drunk 300 Review

We got 300 on Pay-Per-View and. It. Was. Awesome.

A couple days ago, we watched a documentary on the Spartan 300 so that had ruined the movie for me a little because I'm picking it apart here and there throughout the movie (they have done this, they should have told on that...). However, if you do happen to catch the documentary on The History Channel, it is well worth a look, even if you do not care for history. The documentary was put together very well and provided details to help you better understand what was going on. Not at all boring!

Now, on to the movie. It was historically accurate for the most part, with some things added or left out to connect you with the characters. The good thing here is that it wasn't overdone. There's just enough story to get you to root for the characters, but not so much story that you're going, "GROOOOAAAAN! Get on with it! I'll hand you a knife so you can go kill someone! Here!"

The movie does look like an Xbox game in the commercials, yes, I'll agree. However I noticed that after about ten minuets into it--I didn't even notice. And yeah, there's some pretty nasty violence but I would go as far as to say that Braveheart was much more gory and bloody. One scene churned my stomach a tad. Try to guess which one.

The effects were TOP NOTCH! Blood splatters like I've never seen in a film before. And no, it's not the producers ordered 78 million gallons of fake blood. It appears to be animated, but not fake-animated and it's often directed at the camera. Nice touch.

There is also a bit of nudity and for that along with the violence I would suggest putting the kids to bed before hitting the play button. We discovered after the movie that the film was based on a graphic novel by Frank Miller. In unison we go, "Ooooooh. That makes sense."

If you've ever read any of Frank Miller's work, you will see the influence in this movie. Once again, a very nice touch. Even the blood splatters looks like Miller's style and it does explain the seven foot tall drag queen (seems like Miller...)

Over all, I say give it a go. Even if it's not the sort of movie you're into, you'd be surprised. Check out the documentary on Discovery and trick your girlfriend into staring at buff guys for nearly two hours.

Not me though. I don't need to be tricked. I love period war movies missing that dreaded hour and half of love story (Pearl Harbor anyone?) and action and explosions! Who doesn't LOVE explosions?

The Miller touch adds a feel of mythology to the story, almost comparable to Lord of the Rings, complete with great costumes, "monsters" and ooooh, Oracles. So whether you're a Miller fan, a history buff, or just enjoy a lot stab wounds--this movie is definitely for you.

Might want to avoid the comments on this post if you haven't watched 300. I've left no spoilers in the post so go crazy in leaving your comments.

Which scene made me say: "Ohmigoshthatisdisgusting! I've never seen that in a movie before. Ooooo! Nasty!"

Hint: this same scene made Shawn call out: "COOL!!!! With the blood splurt and everything!"


Jules said...


I loved the movie. I saw it at the regular theater twice, once on IMAX, and (I confess) I just bought it on DVD.

Historically accurate? Well, yes, there were 300 Spartans and well, yes, they did defend Sparta against the Persians. But... let's just say the story has been abridged, simplifed, and well, down right 6-pack-ified for the Big Screen. Of course, that's not a bad thing. :-)

That's entertainment.

whatagem said...

Yeah, the movie never told WHY the 300 were in the pass...that was one thing I was tearing apart

Jules said...

The pass was their strategy. Although Leonidis would have preferred to bring their whole army to the fight, the elders refused to allow it. IDIOTS! TRAITORS! SELL OUTS!

The Persians were coming in from the water and had to go through the pass to make their way to Sparta and the rest of Greece. The 300 went to the pass to head them off... it was a small channel.

They could use their very effective phalanx method of fighting to battle with the Persians here - the large numbers of Persians were funnelled into this area and basically were just picked off again and again.

Watching it again now, with commentary ha ha... what a great movie. After this, I may have to put Gladiator back in.

Thanks for the soldier site, by the way, I have seen it before but lost the link. It was a very poignant video.

whatagem said...

Right...and they never touched on the naval aspect of it, that the Spartans were outnumbered 6 to 1! (By day 2 they were outnumbered only 5 to 1 in ship ratio) I just felt a little like something was missing after watching that documentary.
I seriously doubt the 300 broke their phalanx formation--however it would've made for some very boring fight scenes, so I'll allow it. :D The sky being almost blacked out by arrows was super cool!

Daszzle said...

Hi WhataGem! To answer your question I use MyBlogLog to see where visitors come from and what they view once they reach my site. It's under the statistics section. Hope this helps :).