Saturday, July 07, 2007

I told you it would be messy

Ok, ok. I know I've been moving the right hand column around--I promise I'm almost done with all that. I told you I am new at this and I've said before I'm obsessive-compulsive. What did you expect?

I have rearrange-furniture-syndrome but I think I am done moving around my columns.
For now HA HA

And I am working on getting my better past posts up in the column, just bear with me a bit--I do work full time and we're in the process of getting new merchandise in for our eBay biz.

Hopefully by next weekend I'll up the video up and running--or maybe 2 weeks.

And yes--I do plan on proof reading the past posts, doing spell check and all that nonsense. What? You can't read between the lines? :0)

Alright, I gotta get outta here to go run some errands. Darn blogger is just too addictive....

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