Saturday, July 07, 2007

I'd Like To Recall Our Quality Assurance System

Above is a link that will take you straight to the FDA's website, a page on the toothpaste recalls.

What? Have you been living in box? If not, I would recomend it. It's lot safer.

Millions of pounds of dog food had been recalled earlier this year due to the manufacter's putting in a type of wheat glutton that is--believe it or not--cheap and results in kidney failure and unltimately death in your pets.

Here's a quick look at some other items our great nation had made in China and sold to American consumers:

  • Toy eyeballs made in China were found to be filled with kerosene. Other toys manufactured in China were found to contain lead paint. (Oh, because kids don't already chew on everything like small puppies) A wrist rattle for babies was found to be a choking hazard. All items were recalled along with 1.5 million train sets.
  • Our federal government ordered the recall of 450,000 defective China-made tires that are quite similar to the exploding tires that nearly put Ford out of business a while back.
  • The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) advised consumers to merely throw out 900,000 tubes of certain brands of toothpaste (see link at top of page) The toothpastes contain diethylene glycol, a poisonous substance used in some anti-freeze products. These toothpastes have been found in at least 4 states, in dollar stores and was distributed to public hospitals, prisons, and juvenile detention centers (that'll learn 'em to break the law!) Counterfeit toothpaste was also found from South Africa (they'll bootleg anything these days!). The toothpaste does not contain fluoride and may contain diethylene glycol.
  • The FDA placed a conditional ban on five types of farm raised seafood from China that were possibly contaminated with unapproved and potentially unsafe drugs and food additives.

So where's the punchline? In our nation's non-ability to check stuff, even at random, as it comes into the country. You'd think that after even a few recalls of products from China, that our country would just stop doing business with them. Hey, now there's an idea. When I get service at a store, I shop somewhere else. Hmmmm....

Kinda funny when you think of it how the Chinese government doesn't care about its own people, so why should they care about us?

I will state that last week, Chinese regulators announced they had launched a nation-wide crackdown, uncovering 23,000 food safety violations and closing 180 food plants. Not exactly reassuring or hardly sufficient.

The biggest problem is that Chinese manufacturer's a placing these dangerous chemicals into products. The chemicals mimic additives that the FDA wants to see in our products, but I guess they're just too busy to look all that closely at it.

No wonder this country's going to pot.

Mid-June Update China reportedly executed their own quality assurance guy for taking bribes. I heard his last meal was some Chinese farm raised fish and toothpaste resevered for us Americans.

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