Saturday, July 07, 2007

I Assure You, We've Ordered A Lawn Mower

Our lawn is a bit overgrown.
Our dog Lucy gets lost in the backyard and in the evening has to use the north star to find her way back inside. We almost lost her on the night it was cloudy.

We'd had a run of bad luck with mowers. On the 4th we cleaned out the garage a little bit and dragged two run-down lawn mowers to the curb. Hmm, let's see. The yard is over grown and there are horribly broken mowers on the curb. I thought the neighbors might get the idea (Shawn had been using a weed eater to mow the yard but that finally crapped out.

I was going to put a sign on the mowers that said "Lawnmowers Free to good home" as a joke, but someone loaded them up before I even took out my black marker! Around here, you don't even have to wait for garbage pick-up. There are people who hold yard sales for a living that will do it.

We did buy one of those old style push reel mowers over eBay for about $75 after shipping. I haven't seen one of those since the old Donald Duck cartoons! We figured we'd never have repair it, never have to buy gas for it, and never have to untangle a pull string. Besides, it's cheaper than a gas mower and we like to spend our extra income on air conditioning this time of year.

So you're gonna work your butt off?" my buddy Mike says.

"We had one on the farm! I remember using it as a kid!" Mom exclaims.

"I wonder how many times I'll have to mow the yard to get the yard mowed once?" Shawn asks.

I guess we'll see. If Shawn would let me, I'd paint the garage door with chalk board paint and write on it "I assure you, we've bought a lawn mover!" just to prove to the Hank-Hill-Lawn-Care-Obsessed neighbors that we do have one on the way.

Shawn went out to trim the trees for the first time in 3 years on the 4th. Shawn wasn't outside five seconds before our neighbor who lives directly across from us (not the crazies) came running out with a saw on a stick. "You can borrow this, man!" he exclaimed. "It's pretty cool! It's telescoping and has a branch cutter at the end!"

I was rolling around laughing! They had grown so tired of looking at our raggedy trees that they're willing to offer tools! How sad is that?? Well either that, or our neighbor felt sorry for me after seeing me, at five feet tall and every morning brushing my head against a loooooow branch as I got into my car.

One cool dude, though, I will say. This is the same guy who lent Shawn a chain saw after an entire tree collapsed in our yard after a rough storm. I've told you before that we're not yard people.

Dang. Our next door neighbor Kevin mowed his yard this morning. That only make our yard look that much worse. Thanks Kevin.

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