Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Critique the Blog

I don't mind criticism, as long as it's structured. Last year, "Anonymous" posted a comment that read:

"Your blog sucks. I'm sorry, but it does. Don't quit your day job to become a comedienne."

#1 I never intended to quit my job to become a comedian. I hate to travel and I hate people.

#2 Don't apologize for your opinion.

#3 TELL ME WHY!! Don't just say the blog "sucks". Tell me why. Is it poorly written? Not enough pictures? Just not funny? Am I too gross about some things? What is it that you don't like, exactly?

Someone once left a comment saying basically that I was some menopausal woman with nothing but free time on her hands who doesn't realize that every thought doesn't need to be said.

Ok, that's getting closer. But don't make accusations. If I'm menopausal at the age of 26, something is wrong. Did you even read the blog? However, I do get the point. If you feel I am repeating myself or yammering on and on and on and on....(ha ha) Say so.

Look, I am totally up for you think, what you'd like to see, what would make the blog more funny, etc. Leave a comment or email with "BLOG" (yes, in all caps) in the subject line.
Purely ugly comments will be deleted. Anything with curse words will be deleted. If you are someone I know out to just simply hurt me and put me in a bad mood with an ugly comment--guess what? I'll delete that too!

However, if you are offering structured criticism, no matter how mean it may appear--it will remain!
Keep it clean and, unlike me--get to the point.

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