Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Who is my one reader?

I think someone is reading my blog! I can only tell because of the counter. The numbers may seem to go up like crazy but that's because I've been going back and forth getting page addresses and pasting them for links (see that loooong column on the right side?)

WOW One whole reader! Or a group of people in front of one computer. Are you someone I know? Shoot me an email (see upper right hand side of page and put BLOG in the subject) or leave a comment. What do ya think of this whole little thing here?

And PS, thanks for checking it out.


antikva said...

LOL but I am sure there are more

whatagem said...

Um, no I am pretty sure you're it. I check my numbers almost daily and they go up by one or two--I know it seems like they go up about 30 every day but that's only because I've trying to finish the page--counter counts me every time I preview, copy a page address, etc.