Saturday, July 01, 2006

Face of an eBay Seller

I thought this was the most hideous thing I'd ever seen when Shawn bought it at Spensers for $14.99 over three years ago. It sat in its box for most of that time until I decided to make a joke of it with the title "Face of an eBay Seller".

When we started out out on eBay, we started out by buying. Shawn sought out foor ball cards because that's what he knew--cards. (I was always the bigger comic geek, he was always into cards) So we bought stuff and bought more stuff and bought more stuff!
It was during that time that I learned about the Item Description. In it there are details about the item in question for sale, shipping costs, etc. I learned what made a good description and adopted it as my own.

eBay has been good to us in the past. As I've said before it's gotten us out of a couple binds. However, there's a few things I hate about eBay: Deadbeats and Idiots.

There's a whole new breed of idiots on eBay that I didn't even know existed. Let me give you a perfect example. In my item descriptions I always state CLEARLY the flat shipping cost for each item. It's not surrounded with graphics and lots of wordy nonsense. We get questions like:

"How much is shipping?"
"How much is shipping to zip code xxxxx?"
"How much is shipping for 2 items?"

It has occurred to me that many eBayers cannot in fact read. I always thought reading was essential to eBaying, but apparently, it is not:

"I bought this, but I thought it was something else, so I won't be paying you."

People, please. eBay charges us to list an item, kinda like when you place an ad in the newpaper. If the item sells, eBay charges us yet again a percentage of the final price.

If you don't pay, we lose money. Then of course, there's always the ever so neat kid who gets on the computer just to jack with sellers. They have no reputation on eBay, nor any business. They simply bid the highest price on the most random of things and never pay just to be"funny". It's kinda like prank phone calls with long distance charges made to you.

I love the good excuses, though. Over the years I've heard some pretty lame ones, but some of them are quite creative. On the other hand, the electric company isn't going to care that you can't pay because your dog ate your computer, so why should I?

There's ups and downs, believe me. Overall, it is a good deal. I recommend finding a small distributor that will work with you even though you don't have a store front. Or make something. Or clean out yer closet you pack rat!

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