Saturday, March 01, 2008

Gas, Milk, and Soda

Call me crazy but I've always had this theory that the price of a gallon of gas is about equal to the price of a gallon of milk or soda.

Back in 2004, gas was around $2 a gallon, a 12 pack of name brand soda could regularly be found on sale for $2, and milk was about $2 a gallon.

Today, a gallon of gas ranges from $3 to $4 across the country. A 12 pack of Pepsi, full price is $3.99, and a gallon of milk runs about $4 for store brand. (Like wise, name brand soda can be found on sale for about $3.50 if you're lucky)

In the summer of 2009, the minimum wage will be raised to $7.50
Back when I was working at Eckards, I was hired on at $5.00 per hour. I got a 15 cent raise on account that the government raised minimum wage to $5.15

I didn't get a two dollar raise overnight. And likewise, I could still afford to purchase name brand soda. Imagine what we'll be paying for a gallon of milk when minimum wage is raised to $7.50 Somebody's gotta load those trucks with our milk.

Do the math. It's all there in black and white. Well, at least with minimum wage going up, the government will be able to collect more taxes on wages. Do you suppose the rest of us will benefit as such?


joen05 said...

Unfortunately, no. I wish that were the case, though. It really sucks that some people are starting at what took me years to get to at my part time job.

Glad that i'm not at minimum right now.

whatagem said...

Right, when minimum wage goes up, I won't be making much more than that. Used to be, you had to work (well) at your job to get what minimum wage is going up to. I guess we're gettin' older.

We'll be telling our grandkids about how minimum wage was once $5 and how milk cost $2 a gal and they'll be calling us liars and asking what CDs are.

Shiny, miniature frisbies?