= My evenings and weekends
(It's supposed to look like an addition problem. Couldn't make it look right....)
Obviously I don't feel like writing lately. Between the two of us, Shawn and I gave each other lots of video games and movies. And he got me hooked.....*HOOKED* as in completely addicted to the box sets of "Lost".
So that's what I've been doing. We're on disc three of Season Two, if anyone cares. And yes, Shawn watched it on TV so he knows ALL about what's going on. As for me, there's so much to remember about all the characters, I was quite pleased that I remembered what my tooth brush was for this morning. (Because when you learn something new, something old gets pushed out. It's a running gag here at the 'ol blogging hole, just so you know)
I do have a couple tidbits even though my head is filled with stories of Kate, Locke, and The Others:
Poop Is As Poop Does
I am the dry cleaner at work. The counter people have little marking tags on which they may write down what sort of stain is on the garment/blanket/whatever so I can more easily remove it.
Many times, I've noticed they discern between dog, cat and baby poo and/or vomit. For example, I've gotten many items over the past couple of years labeled as "baby poop".
Look, poop is poop. Period. I don't care if it came from a 20 pound dog, an eight pound baby, or a 300 pound grown man. Poop is poop and I don't feel that it is necessary to dictate where the poop fell from.
Our Laundry is Breeding
Every winter this happens. I'm sure why, exactly. It's one of those scientific mysteries like, why do I have hair suddenly growing under my arms just because I hit a certain age. No one knows.
In the summer I can usually easily get away with one load of laundry per week. I did TWO loads this past Friday. I emptied the hamper. I was sure of it. Sunday night, I opened the hamper to find another full sized load waiting to be sorted.
I honestly would not be surprised if I one day began to sort laundry and found tiny pants, tiny shirts, and tiny socks mixed in. I wouldn't be freaked out at all, like some of you might, You might wonder, "Did I have a tiny baby and forget?"
Me? No, of course not. I would simply assume that all the tiny garments were spawning from our own clothes. I would assume two pair of jeans had (quietly) gotten busy during the night and had somehow given off a tiny denim offspring.
You laugh now, but wait. It'll happen. Most people lose socks in the laundry....I think I'm finding new ones.
Well "Lost" is as good a reason as any to 'lose' yourself , heh!
Keep fighting the good fight against the invading forces of poop stains regardless of origin!
As for the inbred, ever escalating laundry numbers your guess is as good as mine. Ah, no worries you will prevail against dirty clothes even if incineration comes into play I am sure:)
Take care!
lol - I think people probably feel the need to make sure you know THEY didn't poop on the garment themselves. I mean, you don't find many marked "32 year old woman poop" do you???
And as for the laundry...I have the same problem, but I think it's just b/c winter clothes take up more space, so you have to do more loads. At least that's the logic I came up with, anyway!
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