Thursday, November 01, 2007

Uh, Happy Thursday...I guess

ARRRGGGHHH!!! There's too much going on here! There are little flashy-blinky boxes everywhere! I know, I know. I get confused looking at this page myself. I'll try to work on it a bit more this weekend.

But first...My Rock Throwing Adventure!
Last night we shut off the lights, closed the curtains and hid in the bedroom. We were tired from work, alright? Why should I miss Kid Nation just because of bunch of strange children want to play Russian Roulette with candy from strangers?

What did your mother teach you?

Anyway, about 8pm, the dogs go crazy. Absolutely bonkers, I tell ya. Our doorbell hasn't worked in the last three years so that wasn't it. We didn't hear anyone knocking, so that wasn't it. Shawn opened the door to find a pile-o-children on the porch.

"No one has any candy!" one said.

Uh, usually when the lights are shut off, no, there's no candy. And it's 2007. Most kids are at the church and mall parties where the candy can be trusted most. Not just idly standing on strangers' porches waiting to be announced by two already nervous dogs and an irritated bird.

I mean, at least have the common sense to knock on the darkened door. Duh. Big duh!

I know you can't tell from this photo but it's our neighbors across the street. Every year they add more and more Halloween decor to the front lawn and this year was totally awesome.

Last year they set up a home built coffin and the husband would leap out of it with a chainsaw. We watched a lot of kids running down the sidewalk screaming and crying that night. Yeah, it was a blast!

Our neighbors did away with the coffin this year and set out cobwebs covering the entire front yard, torches (not real fire, the kind you get at Spencer's) black light things all over the place, a HUGE cauldron bubbling with dry ice and they even rigged a pully system which spun little white ghost sheets back and forth across the yard.

I'm glad they have that kind of energy, because it was really neat to look at. So neat, in fact, that we were sure the kids would veer across the street as they do every year and stay the heck away from ours.

Look, I don't mind it so much when Halloween is on a weekend. I actually can get into it quite a bit. But Shawn is on-call, we're tired and cranky and just not up to it. We're lucky to have such great neighbors.


matt said...

happy Thursday!

Mandy said...

lol - I can't believe they were just hanging out on your porch waiting for candy! You should have given each of them a can of beans or something.

Moooooog35 said...

Do your neighbors have a guy laying out on the lawn in a costume...and then jump up and scare the crap out of you as you make your way to the front door?

I hate those assholes.

Here I am with my four-year old who has now been scared to death and wants to GO HOME instead of getting more Kit-Kats. I have to try to get the poo stain out of his Spiderman costume.

whatagem said...

They did that one year....husband sat on a bench, dressed as scarecrow! Next year, we put a fake scarecrow in our yard and everyone crept by it soooooo cautiously! HA HA!!

Mandy, we actually had a small bag of candy--didn't know if nieces & nephews were coming by. They didn't, so Shawn handed the non-knockers some.

If I'd thought of it, I do have one of those economy 4 lb. cans of greens beans. "Now be sure to share with your borthers & sisters!"