Friday, November 02, 2007

The Sickness: The Downside of Uppers

"Why is my coffee shaking? I don't want my coffee shaking! I didn't order shaking coffee!!!"

The past couple weeks it's been 50 degrees in the morning, about 80 in the afternoon. Coffee has been reintroduced into my bloodstream. I don't drink it in the summer--it's too dang hot. But I require something warm since I'm usually freezing my tail off at work.

I have come down from an 8 cup habit to a four cup habit. And I don't drink it all day (although I very well could) because of what it does to me. Let's use today as an example.

I filled my travel mug and attempted to shake a bit of sugar into the mug when it unexpectedly dumped out. No time to make new coffee. It was like sucking on the end of a pure sugar cane. Mmmmm.

Whenever an employee has a birthday, we feast mercilessly on donuts, on the house, provided by the boss. Today was Minnie's birthday. I had three....yes, I said three donuts.

To counteract the coming down from the coffee buzz, I drank a soda and had a donut. To counteract the coming down from that, I had a Crystal Light energy drink (with caffeine and B vitamins, Whoo-Hoo!) and another donut. I guzzled about 50 ounces of water and contemplated just plopping down in the assembly area for a much needed nap.

So I had another donut.And people wonder how I can eat so much food without getting fat. It's all in the caffeine, baby! Yeah baby!

Sure, I drank water in between trips to the donut box and my beloved diet sodas. But it did no good. This must be like what it feels when you're hooked on hard drugs. Except I'm not craving anything....I'm too tired to crave anything. I need a nap. I think I might just lay my head down right......


If the coffee causes my heart to explode, would someone do me the kind favor of waking me up and letting me know?


joen05 said...

Just got your comment... sorry to hear about my other site freaking on you.. I haven't had an issue yet. Maybe try again? ;-) or use firefox if you're using IE. Anyway, let me know what you'd like to do and I'll do my best to help you out!

Stephanie said...

I'm the same way. Coffee for breakfast, soda for snack, tea for lunch, another soda (or maybe coffee) in the afternoon, tea for dinner & water at bedtime.

I however, do put on the weight with donuts!