Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Meet Lester

I know this photo looks totally fake, but I assure you, I am not making this up. (I'll try to replace this pic with a better one) About a week ago, I was getting my stuff into the car before work and left the front door open. Every morning there's about 116 different species of critters living on the screen door and around the porch light.

This lizard was one of them and he made a bee line for the window. I thought it was a gecko, which is fine by me since we have a small spider problem and I thought he might eradicate them.

The lizard was not a gecko, but instead a small green biting thing that hung out in the window like he was The Fonz or something. It's still alive; it just sits there, crawling along the blinds and soaking up the sun.

I told Shawn we'll have to get rid of it before it's big enough to eat the dogs.
I'm thinking of calling him Lester
I think Lester is beginning to eyeball Lucy.

1 comment:

Mandy said...

lol - that is hilarious!