Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Light Bulbs

Usually I don't care what people think, but I actually had to stop and think this time. The only thing I needed from Wal-Mart was AA batteries and condoms.

Yeah, I've been on birth control for several years but we do not want a surprise so Shawn insists on using rubbers.

Condoms and AA batteries. This just doesn't look good, I thought. Well, I thought we needed light bulbs and Cheetos were on sale so I got those. I looked at what I had in my hands and it appeared that I was planning a real fun evening.

I'll be glad when Shawn's up and running around after the surgery. I never knew how creative we could be.

That's waaaay too much information. Yeah, your right.
But it was funny, huh?

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Ooh, to have been your cashier!