Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Only Stupid People Are Breeding

I hate running errands. I had to do the shopping today because my usual day is Wednesday and tomorrow I am off from work and refuse to get dressed. It's a pants free day.

I cannot fathom how people put off shopping for their parties. It was like the day before Thanksgiving! And why is the day before Thanksgiving so bad? Because only morons do their dinner and party shopping one day previous to their dinner or party!

Pulling into the parking lot, people lunge out with their shopping carts, not bothering or caring to look for cars because there are cars EVERYWHERE! Drivers do not even peak behind themselves when backing out, nor do they suspect a pedestrian could possibly be walking past since there are obviously people EVERYWHERE!

Once inside, people sidle along pushing their carts while talking on cell phone as if they have nothing better to do, because they obviously do not. Look, I'm off the clock and i want to get my groceries and go home so GET OUTTA THE WAY YOU FREAK!!

People park their cart in the MIDDLE OF THE AISLE to retrieve an item because apparently there is no better place to part your cart except in the very center of the aisle at a cocked angle. Apparently, this is best place to leave you whining kids, as well.

People spot old friends, people they haven't seen for 57 years and decide THE MIDDLE OF THE AISLE is the best place to catch up on past times.

Cashiers are short handed since they put in the dreaded self-checkout things which NO ONE USES because it takes an absolute physicist to operate. Cashiers casually chat it up with customers since they're getting paid by the hour.

Red traffic lights, screaming kids, cell phones, horns honking, cash registers beeping....And I'm in a hurry because life is important to me and I don't want to waste it away in this God forsaken grocery store!

Ok, I'm home now. I'm off tomorrow and I shall chill out.

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