Thursday, July 26, 2007

Lighten up a bit

A moment of awe, er that is.. Awwwww

No matter what kind of mood I'm in, no matter what matters or doesn't matter in the world...there they are.

The dogs don't provide much as far as conversation goes--usually it's "Shut up! There's no one at the door!"--but they're always happy to see me. No matter what kind of day they've had.


DubLiMan said...

I'm a dog lover also. I have three dachshunds. They are great.

You left a forum questions about increasing readership, and how much you hate to read. You will have a problem in increasing readership. Take a look at this link:

There may be more to look at in my "Blogger's Corner"

whatagem said...

It's not that I hate to read--I actaully used to be quite the book worm. I just hate to read on a computer screen and lately, I really have to be in a reading mood to enjoy it. Have been plowing through magazines mostly