Tuesday, July 31, 2007

The Cure for Cancer

July 31, 2007

AP - A three-legged NASA spacecraft is going to the Martian north pole to study if the environment is favorable for primitive life.

Phoenix is the first project from NASA's Scout program, a low-cost ( HA HA HA) complement to pricier Mars missions in orbit and on the surface. Managed by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Phoenix cost $420 million compared to the hardy rovers Spirit and Opportunity, which cost $820 million to launch in 2003.

Look, I think we need NASA to keep an eye for those asteroids "the size of Texas", to put up military satellites and give us neat TV channels from all over the world, but other than that, what else? Consider this:

How many people are suffering due to starvation, disease, domestic violence, etc?

How many of those people are going to benefit from knowing whether or not Mars is inhabitable? THERE IS NO AIR There. I just answered all you'll ever need to know about whether or not we as people can live on Mars.

Billions of bucks spent on this. With that kind of money, they could've cured cancer by now. Yes, all kinds of cancer.

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