Thursday, July 26, 2007

Fat is Contagious ...According to your tax dollars

AP--Associated Press
Study: Obesity is 'socially contagious'
July 25, 2007 08:10:20 PM PST
If your friends and family get fat, chances are you will too, researchers report in a startling new study that suggests obesity is "socially contagious" and can spread easily from person to person.

The large, federally funded study found that to be true even if your loved ones lived far away. Social ties seemed to play a surprisingly strong role, even more than genes are known to do.

Obesity is a global public health problem. About 1.5 billion adults worldwide are overweight, including more than 400 million who are obese. Two-thirds of Americans are either overweight or obese

Much of the recent research focus has been on the intense hunt for obesity genes involved in appetite or calorie burning. Treatment has been mainly centered on helping individuals curb their weight through better diet and fitness.

The findings could open a new avenue for treating this worldwide epidemic. The researchers said it might be helpful to treat obese people in groups instead of just the individual

Ok ok ok ok ok--You just know I am going to have a field day with this one right? And do expect me to repeat myself from previous posts. There's just no other way to get my well-informed opinion out. "Well-informed" meaning--I am alive and breathing.

I can say all I am about to say because I was once a bit over weight. I decided to eat less, more healthy, and get off my tush.
The mystery of how to lose weight has been solved. Now hand me my $80,000 grant money check.

Obesity is an Epidemic!! We'll be explaining to our grandchildren about how awful it was, like it was the Great Depression. "Oh, it was horrible! There was ice cream and cheese cake everywhere!!"

Being fat is not inherited. Like alcoholism--it's a choice you make for yourself!! Who decided alcoholism was a "disease"? HIV is a disease. And it's a epidemic in Africa. You don't make a conscious decision to contract HIV--although condoms are a good idea.

ep·i·dem·ic [èppi démmik]n (plural ep·i·dem·ics)
1. med fast-spreading disease: an
outbreak of a disease that spreads
more quickly and more extensively
among a group of people than would
normally be expected

Life Lesson Number One:
An abundance of cheeseburgers is not an epidemic.

Heroin use is not inherited. Not considered a "disease"
Drinking 18 beers a day, every day is not inherited. Considered a "disease"
being fat is not inherited Considered a "disease"

And I'll fight that till the day I die. Everyone makes the choice on what to eat and how much unless you're living in a third world country and have diphtheria--now that's a disease.

Having weight problems? You have too much money. Send some to a country where they have no food, no medicine and where children are playing next to open sewers. Or donate it your local homeless shelter.

Just can't lose the weight? Get off your $%$#@ lazy behind and do something. Eating less is a good start. Or, get a good 'ol fashioned blue collar job. It's part of what keeps me thin.

Federally Funded Are you kidding me with this? I pay taxes. I just don't get to decide how they're used. Darn shame too. If our government would make a decision to spend our tax dollars in a useful manner--the leftover money could feed the entire world

Think about how much of our tax money is spent on the most ridiculous things even I couldn't think of. Think of how much money would be leftover after they paid the president, the postal workers, and teachers, fixed up some city roads and a $3000 golden toilet for the White House.

In the Land of Fast Food--do we really need to fund research on why people are so fat? It's not the fast food industry's fault. It's the government's fault--for giving us the ability to think for ourselves and make our own decisions. HA HA HA!!!!

And where are these so-called fat people? Every time I open a magazine or turn on the television--there they are: The anorexics of the nation with eyes that plead, "Throw me a Tic-Tac please! I'm starving!"

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