Sunday, July 02, 2006

It Ain't Pretty

This morning the music leader, Jason picked all patriotic songs to sing during church. He must have been having a field day because he loves the high pitches and tones. ( I almost wonder if he was playing a joke on the congregation) I can't sing half the songs he picks on a normal day let alone songs written in an octave higher than any human being can achieve.

Jason gave a little speech about what a high price was paid for our freedom and why he picked the songs he picked, those being:

My Country 'Tis of Thee
America the Beautiful
To God be the Glory
Star Spangled Banner

It wasn't a pretty sight.

Afterward, the pastor gave a speech: "We aren't here to sing pretty, we're here to praise God."

Well afterall, the Bible does say to make a "joyful noise"--noise being the operative word. I think perhaps our pastor noticed many people weren't singing the songs, as for me, I could not. It wasn't just that I couldn't sing them good, I just couldn't sing them at all. The pitch would be so high my voice said, "Uh uh. Can't do it!" and shut off.

Try it. Sing The Star Spangled Banner. I double dog dare you! Was there no low key writters around the time of our nation's birth? Maybe the Brits had purposely killed them all as a heinous joke for future generations. Those Brits and their dry sense of humor. Well, at least we got Benny Hill on the BBC.

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