Sunday, June 18, 2006

Drop Me Mommy One More Time

Ok, ok, OK! I'm gonna say and then I'll let it go. On Friday's interview with Britanny Spears I was litterally going MAD over that clump of mascara in her left eye!

"I thought maybe that was on purpose," Mom said. (yes, she watched it too)

I don't think so. You know, NBC has professional make-up people. I am sure they would've let Spears borrow one for a few minuets--at least to wash and brush her unkempt hair!

Spears apparently doesn't have her own make-up people--she has that money earmarked for upgrading the security around her double-wide trailor.

"Oh boo hoo, I wish the papparazi would leave me alone!"

Boo Hoo yourself! The girl had her own reality show on one of those reject channels--what was it--UPN?

If you don't want people watching you, here's a clue--Don't surround yourself with cameras and air out your laundry on national (or semi-national--it is UPN, after all) TV!

And here is something I would like to say Ms. Spears regarding her outfit in that Friday interview: "Put on a top! My goodness, we KNOW you have breasts! Go get a top that covers at least part of them and sit up straight!"

Mom said: "You can tell that Matt Lauer must be very professional in his job to be looking her in the eye that whole time."

"Yeah, " I said. "Or either they did some creative editing."

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