Saturday, May 20, 2006

Your Tax Dollars STILL at Work

If I've talked about this before, forgive me. It's getting hard to remember...

I have an aquaintance, someone I know by association. She does not work and goes to college full time (4 days a week). She also has 2 kids.

She is not a drug dealer, yet still manages to afford groceries.

Food stamps. Housing. Etcetera, etcetera, etcetera!!

At Christmas, the Housing Authority gave her a $150 Wal-Mart gift card so she could by some gifts for her kids. She told this to me. Meanwhile, I'm wondering where the city gets that kind of money to just hand out. I looked at her as though I were expecting her to say, "Thanks for paying your taxes."

That's what I'd like, a thank you. Maybe I'd like to be able to not work and get $150 from the city for Christmas.

Actually, what I'd really like is for welfare to be done away with and all these freeloaders to get a job and have my taxes go down.