Saturday, May 13, 2006

It's The Little Things

I don't have any money to donate. I move around as fast as I can and there's never enough time in the day. I can hardly donate my time.

It's the little things in life that make it worth it. Like finding this little dog and coming to tears when I see her ribs and feel her spine. (the pics do not do her justice! She's hardly meaty at all but she's eating and drinking and doing her business)

But isn't it the "little things" that kill?

I already told Shawn that if she's sick we simply can't do it. And that might "kill" me. It's break my little heart. We'd have to find someone who had money and time. Pray she's well and doesn't belong to someone. If it were my dog, I'd already have a LOST ad out and signs EVERYWHERE. I'd spend every spare moment combing the neighborhood for her collar and tag.

What's wrong with people these days?