I heard about this on the radio.
Apparently several schools have banned the wear of any combination of red, white, and blue, or the usage or wear of an American flag. They have also banned the wear of any clothes with a camoflauge nature or resembling fatigues.
Q. Why?
A. Good question! Some schools say that wearing camo looks too "terrorist". One school in Colorado went as so far as to say that wearing camo might say "support our troops."
Q. So, what's wrong with that?
A. Another excellant question! Principals and school board members were quoted to say that with the recent immigration issues that they were afraid students might begin fighting if Proud Americanism were displayed.
Q. But...
This is America. Isn't that an infrigment on our civic rights, no duties!
A. Yes, it is. A young girl was suspended from school because she had a tiny American flag in her back pocket. But suprise! Her mother is an attorney for ciivl rights. Ha ha!
It's a basic freedom and our duty to be proud of our country and what we have. I'm sorry if we all don't speak Spanish.
Q. When did it all become about people from Mexico?
A. I'm not sure myself, because as I understand it, all walks of life from about every country in world has it's people here.
I've seen Mexican protestors with signs saying things like, "Death to the Anglos!" and "We're taking our land back!"
Hmm, if only the native American Indians were so forceful.
Q. Invasion!
A. Possibly.
Here's a nother little tidbit. Several of our own city's outspoken Mexican high shool students walked out in protest. They were all suspended. Now, these are kids who were all born in America. I'm guessing that there parents were also born here. And their grandparents too, most likely. What are they complaining about, again?
On this past Monday, thousands of people took part in a nationwide protest called A Day Without Immigrants.
The newspaper reported that several establishments were closed for the day due to the lack of workers showing up. One owner of a car wash stated that his employees were warned of a walk out. He said they would not be fired but action would certainly be taken.
"Hey, boss! I'm not coming in to work today to protest. What are you gonna do, fire me?!"
One high school student decided not to participait because she was afraid of being suspended again. She said she would not spend any money on this day to demonstrate how the ecomomy needs immigrants.
Come ON! How much money does the 16 year old have anyway? Will her impact be so huge on the world's best nation's ecoonmy?
COME ON! Even if she needed to buy bread today but didn't, she'd buy it TOMMOROW!
Speaking for myself, my grandparents were immigrants. All of ours was. No one living in this country is not an immigrant. Even Native Americans stem from the East. Most immigrants actually get a work visa and fill out all sorts of paperwork to become a citizen. (I bet if all the angry immigrants put as much effort into making their country better as they do in the protests, there wouldn't be any need for all this arguing.)
So, what are we all fighting about anyway if we are ALL immigrants?
And just so you know, this past Monday I did some shopping. I had a couple things I needed at Wal-Mart so I bought them. Don't expect the economy to explode just because I bought some lunch meat and mailing envelopes.
For that matter, don't expect the government to notice, either.
Friday, May 05, 2006
Patriotism is Forbidden Here
Posted by whatagem at 4:27 PM