Saturday, April 22, 2006

Paintball Shots Hurt

For Christmas, our two oldest nephews got paintball guns.

Guess who's bright idea that was.

Always the genius, the purchaser of annoying toys for kids that don't live with us, Shawn wanted to be a guinea pig for the bare-backed-paintball-shot. He wanted to show the boys how much it actually hurt to be shot by a paintball gun. He wanted to demonstrate exactly why they shouldn't point these things at each other.

Well, what else do you do with them? HA!

Oh, and besides that, we had watched many, many episodes of MTV's Jackass and saw where hundreds of times, the guys would pelt each other with things you should NEVER point at another human being.
...For fun.

I suppose Shawn's curiosity just got the better of him.

Afterward, he was being the Tough Macho Man and saying, "Oh it didn't really hurt!"

His mother barked at him and for all the right reasons. "You want to show these boys it hurts when you get hit with a paintball! You should have screamed out--or something when it hit you to show them it hurts!!"

The paintball guns were actually defective. Shawn was practicing with one of the boys when the cartridge busted out of the butt-end and went flying into Shawn's gut with full force.

Shawn's ok, but our nephew was a little more upset the gun was broken. We found out there was a recall issued on these particular paintball guns. Refunds were issued and new toys were bought (not paintball guns).

Shawn still has a nasty scar on his back. If I can catch him, I'll get a pic of it.