Saturday, April 22, 2006

Huh, the grass IS greener

Anytime the wind blows we lose our electricity. It doesn't have to blow hard, just sneeze a little and the power's out. Our neighbor, Walter has said it was always like this, for the last 20 years he's lived there. The houses across the street don't lose power.

I say, the grass is greener on the other side! I mean that quite literally. On our side of the street is a bunch of blue collars and grease monkies, with a few low white collars. The other side of the street you've got a guy washing his 4x4 truck (complete with flood lights) every 15 minuets with a gas powered power washer. They're all watering their lawns at all hours of the day.

Who can afford to that these days?

Anyway, we had a slight storm a few weeks ago while we were watching Survivor. I swear, the only time me and Shawn get together is for one hour every Thursday to watch Survivor. It's a cherished moment and gives us something to discuss other than our jobs and fmaily.

During this climatic episode, Rusty Garret, the stations weather man RUDELY INTURRPTED the show to tell us it MIGHT rain.

Well no wonder he was freaking out. Rain? What's that?

He felt it was necessary to cut into the climax of the program to tell us we might get some wind and we might get some rain....SEVERAL TIMES!!!

Apparently the switch boards were all lit up that night. This past Thursday, Rusty Garret again came on during the show but it was just as the commercials were beginning. "We are inturrupting national comercials to bring you this warning!"

I bet the station had a flood of letters and calls because every time 'ol Rusty came on, it was ONLY during a commercial.

The previous night Shawn had something like, "Oh, I bet the power goes out or Rusty will be on! Anything to take off Survivor!"

I told him he should not have said that. Just as the program began, high winds were howling outside our house and our satelite lost the signal. It blinked on and off util we finally retreated to the office where a small color TV is located.

Sure, it's cheaper and WAY better than cable, but darn it, don't count on watching TV during a storm with satellite!

We did get to watch all of Survivor. I lay on the floor and Shawn sat the computer. As soon as the show was over, the power was out.

Two nights before, we lost power for 3 solid hours. I was SO tired and it was SO hot! I was in bed when it happened so I flew to the porch. There was no rain, just strong winds. I sat on the steps and just cried from being so tired.

I lay in bed spead eagle after sparying myself with a water bottle. One single candle flickered on the night stand as I sweat.

When I woke up at 1 am, lights were on all over the house and the alarm clock was flashing.


I had to get up, see what time it was and set the alarm to go off in 2 1/2 hours. I should've just slept. I had a pretty good excuse for being late anyway!

Anywho, after Survivor, Shawn peers through the blinds. "We shoulda bought a house on the other side of the street!"

"Do they have power?!" I griped.

"Yep!" Figures. Next time this happens, I'm going across the street for a cup of sugar and a very, very long extension cord. At least I could have a fan on so I could sleep.

Oh oh! And let me just use this time to point out that Shawn is VERY quick to claim the Gameboy in any given power outage. What a bum.