"This crystal ball tells me there's going to be an eyeliner shortage very soon. That semi truck with my order had better get here quick!"
Has anyone else noticed how much Brett Michaels is beginning to look more and more like David Bowie from Labyrinth? Is it just me? We were watching The Soup on E! and I just couldn't shake the feeling that Michaels had on just about enough make-up that he's starting to become pretty like a girl.

"Like the baby sister I never had!"
He's STARTING to become pretty like a girl?!
Dude, if I had run into Brett back in my college days, he would have been SO violated.
I was drunk for most of college...if it moved and slightly resembled a female, it was mine.
See? SEE? It's not just me! Are the Rock of Love gals lesbians or what? I mean, I like a manly man, you know?
I need to be the ONLY ONE wearing make-up in the relationship.
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