First of all, I'd like to point out that I've read in three different articles that worldwide, women outnumber the men.
None of you single gals should be complaining about not being able to find a man!
HOWEVER! I believe one of the reasons women outnumber the men is because we have a tendency to take better care of ourselves. We have the mindset to take care of our bodies a bit better. We have been programmed to believe that As-Skinny-As-Possible is the way we should look and we ought to achieve that by any means necessary. And that we should also remove every single hair from our persons, but I digress....
On the other hand, visit any Wal-Mart in the southern states and you will see that I am wrong. And that IS a fact. At least in America. And no, I'm not just making fat jokes here--which I am allowed because I was once fat myself. You people who were born skinny and eat whatever you want and never exercise are NOT allowed to make fat jokes. Just try and I and all my fat friends will come find you and beat the snot out of you.
Just visit the clothing department of any store. It's a fact. Even high end designers are producing clothing in larger sizes now because that's the market. Where it was once a slash against the good name of a company that makes $800 boots, it is now there consumer market and big profits to make size XL and up. (As though they aren't making enough off the $800 boots)

Because there are more men than women dying in wars.

And that IS a fact. Remember these guys (and gals) for Christmas. Get off this computer and go send a card. Or at least an eCard.
1 comment:
Actually, it appears that the woman with the bra overhang/underhang/multi-fold has actually ingested the soldiers in the photos beneath.
...hence..the population difference.
Listen ladies...
If we can see your belly button THROUGH your shirt, either lose weight...or buy a BIGGER SHIRT.
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