Saturday, November 03, 2007

Proud Aunt

I have several nieces and nephews. So many that I am beginning to lose count. This is one of the twins at a football game last night and *sob* I'm just so darn proud!

It all started earlier when Shawn and I were discussing a young college couple who have plans to get married. "They're just so young!" Shawn said.
"So were we!" I replied. "We still are!"

26 and 28 years old, respectively. "But we're mature," Shawn added.

This is true. When I act immature, that's all it is. An act. When I act immature, it's because I choose to act immature. Usually because it will get someone to laugh. And often, I do not care what steps I need to take to get a giggle.

Back to the offspring. When I was 12 years old, my first nephew was born. We lived in the same house and so the teaching began. You see, most aunt and uncles offer an escape from the parents, nuggets of wisdom, and an overabundance of Christmas gifts. I give that and so much more.

While my nephew sat in his high chair at the table, I taught him how to say, "ca-ca". It certainly made me laugh. It made my mom laugh. It made my sister glare at me and spout, "That is SO gross!"

Well, you can't win them all, I always say. Needless to say, I've matured from such foolish terms and have moved onto teaching the children how to open their mouths while food is being chewed--especially when a camera is pointed at them.

SOB! Just makes me so proud to be their aunt! They learn so quickly, don't they? And I didn't even have to taunt the girl--I just pointed a camera in that general direction and I saw *sob* chewed food!

If I have a little Whatagem, I'm gonna have a great time, indeed. I'm thinking it's time to bring back the Wet Willy.

1 comment:

Mandy said...

lol - I taught my neice how to burp.