I know what you've been searching for.
I see perverts.
OK, enough with the movie cliche' lines. Apparently people keep stumbling onto my blog by running a search with something (or anything) to do with PlayBoy and The Girl's Next Door on E!
I wrote a funny bit dissing the gals a while back
and apparently it's not enough to hold anyone's attention. So here it is, in full view to hold your attention and my shameless attempt to gather more male readers.
I chose Jenny McCarthy because I've thought she was so pretty. Not so much, here, though. Too much make-up hides her eyes and---oh my bad. I'm guessing I'm ruining for all you dudes out there.
Well, without further adieu', here you go:
Jenny McCarthy & Her Cleavage
My, that dress just looks painful. Hurts my chest just looking at it. Is this what it's like for you guys when you watch someone get kicked in the boys?
HAHAHA great stuff. Love the idea for this post. And it's painful to just watch a guy get kicked in the boys. It's worse to experience it.
I love the outfit... It gives me an idea for a guys birthday present!
I was going to comment on the...
Wait. I was going to mention that I think you should...
..okay..okay...The best thing about this post is that you...
Sorry. This picture keeps grabbing my attention and...
Thank you. Just let me say, "thank you."
HA HA! I thought it might get a little attention. I'll post something new in morning (if I have time) and we'll get this puppy (puppies?) moved on down the line.
LOL! :-D
As soon as I entered in your blog I almost lost an eye!!! Those "things" stick so much out they almost poked my eye out:)
I never thought that the future of the Net would be "3-D boobvision" but there you go:)
I'm pretty much speechless and don't know what to say now.
Deadpool, you thought the internet was for what, communication and educational purposes?
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