Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Yep, I think it's Poison Ivy....or Sumac

Top 2 pics are of my left arm. Was trying to get you a good 3D view. Can't see in the pics how this rash appears 3D--as in it got some dimension to it. The 3rd pic is of my right arm. Was trying to twist it around and use camera with my left hand. Looks worse in person. The backs of my arms, my actual back. Lord knows how I got it on my back.

Did some internet research. Based on the photos I looked at, and thinking of the plants we have in the alley, I do believe I got into Poison Ivy for sure, although we have some plants on the patio that look very similar to the Poison Sumac plants. Could be both. Knowing my luck...

Maybe you noticed I'd been a bit down lately. The yard work took the cake. On Friday I was staring at an overflowing trash can thinking to myself, "Didn't I just empty this? How can two people accumulate so much trash in such a short time?!"

I am in a slow downward spiral, that I know. I'm tired of chores, errands, cleaning, eBay and computer work. I stared at the pile of dishes in the sink, thinking to myself, "I've barely cooked this week! How can there be so many dirty dishes!"

I'm sick of getting groceries, cooking, cleaning up after supper, making lunches. Even the mundane is irritating. Monotonous. Never changing.

Not that I need any big excitement in my life. I'm just tired of my life revolving around chores and errands.

Go to the post office. Stop by the Dollar Store. Take out the trash (again). Figure out what to make for dinner....we only have burger in the freezer. I'm sick of hamburger. Go to work, go to the post office. Get gas.....

And then do some yard work because you-know-who won't and hasn't been able to because of knee. But even if the knee was OK, I'd still be doing it. So do the yard work and get a hideous, nightmare of an itchy rash that will be around for 3 weeks.

There's nothing to look forward to. Nothing. Another trip to the post office. Take out the trash. I suppose it could be worse. I could look like this guy:


prin said...

Ewwwww... lol

Welcome to life as a housewife. **** it bites. :D

whatagem said...

I WISH I was a housewife!! Why do you think I play the lottery now and then? Oh, to quit my job....I'd finally have the best yard (instead of the worst) on the block.

...because I'd OWN the block


Deadpoolite said...

I have to say you have managed to make something as trivial and boring as mowing down grass to a fine adventure movie, full of action, tears, scars of battle wounds and other guilty pleasures:)

You are a talented woman indeed:)

Good luck getting over this poison ivy infection thingy. Hey, as you said, you could look like THAT guy and then I would have to shoot you relentlessly with my high caliber pea shooter (oh come on I know you cracked a smile, this was so silly after all,lol) on pure principle.So you are one lucky woman it seems:)

Take care!

Stephanie said...

It sucks so bad to get poison ivy. Because I can't control my scratching I just get it infected!

Mandy said...

I am (luckily) not allergic to poison ivy or poison oak, but my hubby gets it ALL the time and he is so pitiful with it...hopefully yours isn't as bad as what he normally gets!