Monday, October 22, 2007

Uncle Doyal & Aunt Mickey

A few years ago I asked Aunt Mickey why we all called her Aunt Mickey, being that her real name is Mildred. I asked how she got the nickname. Even she couldn't remember.

Ask Uncle Doyal how you even begin to stay married to the same person for 60 years and he'll reply, "I just turn my hearing aid down!"

Sixty years, man. That's a long freakin' time. Especially when things are so temporary these days, including your internet connection.

These two farmed before farming had become "easy". Before technology, before chemicals. And today we whine because the cable goes out. Go figure.

So what makes for such a long marriage? My first guess would be not bailing because of one or two or 26 good fights. Being born in a time before divorce is considered chic also helps, I suppose.

Patience and understanding are key, of course. But a strong bond, absolute love, and a union under the eyes of God are critical. These two ought to offer marriage counseling to others. Or at least a seminar.

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