Seeing the commercial for Heavenly Sword for the PS3 got me to thinking. Are we gonna see video games featuring Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie? Games these days are so close to looking so real, it doesn't even look like graphics anymore.
Take a look at the film Finding Nemo. When Marlin and Dory get to Australia, they pop their heads out of the water in the harbor. The water looks so real that it doesn't look right with a couple of cartoony fish popping their heads out.
With realism getting to the extreme, we won't ever again turn on our system and go, "WHOA!!! That is awesome!!!!! It looks so REAL!" Because within our lifetime, it will be.
Instead games will look like a blockbuster film because it was filmed on a sound stage with celebrities as the main characters.
Of course, this also brings up the question of whether movies will move into the graphics area, and the answer is: It already has. Gweneth Paltrow has spent her fair share in front of a green screen. Dinosaurs walked the earth once again. And try watching any children's "live action" movie while trying to discern if that plant in the left hand corner of the screen is real or graphic.
But will we need celebrities when computer graphics can create such a realistic person? Yes, yes, and YES. And the reason being is because created "people" cannot fill the pages of tabloids with drug abuse and bad red carpet outfits.
Already, I am missing the days of when I first plugged into Final Fantasy VII for Playstation and it blew my mind. Then I played Final Fantasy VIII and it blew me away. The graphics of Final Fantasy X bent my head. (FF IX stunk--don't get me started)
And I miss that. All that's left are Matrix-style moves and even that's been done to death. So after graphics have become so sleek and beautiful that it compares to reality, what's left?
Good, addictive game play and a great story to go along with it.
Who could complain about that?
I could. There's nothing else to look forward. Makes me want to go pick up a book and put my shelved imagination to good use.
Unbelievable graphics! I'm not much into video games, and really could care less about the "special effects" which generally to me means "harder to play" (can you tell I suck at video games? I actually pride myself in beating my 9 year old daughter!) But seriously, those are cool graphics!
I really miss Pong. :-(
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