Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Man vs Tree

In my continuing efforts to explain how we hate lawn care...

Tree 2
Husband 0

On Saturday, yes Shawn was trimming the tree wreckage, however his knee said (yes, it actually spoke) "Forget you, it's Saturday! And we're using a few vacation days while we're at it!"

Of course, you'll remember the last branch that fell onto his truck. (see the post and pic under My Plants Don't Fall section)

Sometime by Thursday night I'm gonna have to drag my butt out there and pull more tree to the curb. It's over 100 F. Too hot. Like, I feel like battling the Tree from Hell when I get off work.

Tree 2
Husband o
Misty ...to be determined

I think the tree hates us.
I know the garbage men hate us.

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