Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Particle Board!!

I bought Mike's old computer because me and Shawn have a tendency to fight over the one we have. Well, that's a bit of an exaggeration. But I always thought it would be nice to have two so we can work at the same time. Or he can man the eBay business while I blog!

So I had to move some furniture around. Shoved some of the stuff from our main office room to what we call The Purple Room (because the walls are purple, duh) and attempted to move the Crap Desk.

See, we have 2 desks in the office already. One holds the computer, files, mailing labels, etc. The other was a neat little curb find that Shawn brought home one day five years ago. It's like a piece of exercise equipment--not good for anything other than a place to set stuff.

Oh sure, we've got lots of particle board furniture. Honestly, it amazes me how we never ended up with one of those spool tables. A cable company left one by our dumpster but we decided it was too worn out. I was shocked that Shawn passed up a freebie.

Anywho, I was moving the Crap desk and with one gentle tug, the entire thing collapsed on me.
So I put it back together. It collapsed again. And again. Finally I dragged it to the wall where I wanted it. I let the wall support the desk as I attempt to put it back together.

Remind me to tell Shawn not to set anything too terribly heavy on it.

Anyone ever hear that comedian who did a song about particle board furniture?
PUH-LEEEZE! I'm dying to hear that song again!

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