Monday, July 02, 2007


Around here in the summer, it generally gets up to and over 100 degrees. Mom grew up on a farm sans air conditioning. GASP!

"How did you sleep at night?" I once asked.
"A lotta times we slept outside on cots," she replied.

Today, and for many years, my parents house is the coldest house I've ever been in. Especially since Mom had her hysterectomy. Dad nags her all the time that it's too cold and even the dog wear a sweater in July.

Poor dog. I'd say poor Dad too but at least he can reach the thermostat. You should him in the winter. He'll walk around the house in his big-outdoor-I'm-shoveling-the-barn-coat just to make a point.
"Go put on some shorts!" you'll hear Dad holler from the living room.
"Put on a sweater, David!" you'll hear Mom snap back.

Ah, parents. Ya can't teach 'em anything, I tell you.

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