Friday, July 27, 2007

I Know Why Lucy Jumps

When I get home from work, Lucy--the little one, stands on the other side of the baby gate to the kitchen and excitedly jumps up and down about 1 foot in the air and barks until I get to it.

The whole baby gate thing was started because Prissy ate and chewed everything. She at least understands the concept of the doggy door that leads to the back yard.

Lucy has a weak bladder, apparently. She will pee anywhere in the house, but will not poo until I get home from work. She waits until I get home and open the back door. Lucy then makes a bee line to the grass and does her business.

I used to think Lucy jumped up and down because she was excited to see me. Turns out she just needed to poo.

Of course she can pee anywhere with no problem--it soaks into the carpet and padding when when you can just pick up the poo and flush it.

Stupid Lucy

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