Sunday, June 25, 2006

Hey Fanboys! (Blatant Plug)

Ok, so we didn't go crazy listing everything we have on eBay while we were on vacation--we got lazy. So sue me.

I know there are plenty of you out there that are just as geeky as me and my husband so visit our page on eBay and come out of the Geek Closet! (click on the About Me Page link to the right of the posts)

We have a ton of Xbox, PS2, Gameboy (all sorts), and Gamecube games but we haven't been listing them because no one seems to want them. So for now, we've shifted gears to the antique Nintendo 64 games. Check us out--here's a sampling:

Zelda Ocarina of Time
Goldeneye 007
Diddy Kong Racing
Pokemon Stadium
Perfect Dark
Turok 2 Seeds of Evil

We're expecting different N64 games to come in this week--check it out, I gotta pay my medical bill off!

Oh, and also we normally have GameBoy Advance systems (with brand spankin' new screens) but we're out right now and have a butt load of 'em coming in this week.

And for the love of Pete! Email us through eBay, PLEASE! Any emails NOT received through eBay My Messages will not be responded to (we get a TON of junk, fake eBay mail and whatnot)

Why am I doing this on the blog? Well, for starters I took a vacation and my job doesn't pay 40 hours for taking vacation. It pays $100 for the week, PLUS I got screwed on my overtime when I came back. Not that I'm complaining, I hadn't had vacation in 2 years and it was well worth it.

The funny thing is that my job allows 2 weeks vacation after being employeed there for five years. So I asked if you got $200 vacation pay. Nope, just the $100 for the 2 weeks. So what am I building up to? Ha ha!

Anywho, as I've said in the past, we're pretty meticulous about what we sell and we ship fast. I'm simply trying to drive some traffic over to our stuff. We've got oodles of stuff lying around here in about 4 rooms of the house and no one seems to want it. It's piling up on us.

Honestly, I'd like to sell the whole lot of it to one individual just to get rid of it all. I should enter to be on one of those TV shows that declutter your house, but I'm afraid they'd look in my closet and want to do a make over while they're at it.

That's a whole other story...

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