You knew I'd do it. You knew it was coming. Everybody's doing it!
That's right, kiddies! We're talking about the new immigration bill. Yeah!
Ok, I'll leave out the politics and the majority of my opinions, however! And it's a BIG however...
I think one language for one country is an awesome idea. I think bilingual ballots are stupid.
If I go to Germany and become a citizen, do you think I'm going to rant and rave and carry on until the voting booths are in Englidh and German?
I doubt it.
Besides, this is America. If we place bilingual ballots in the voting booths, why not every other language? Immigrants come here from all over the world. Pretty soon we're going to see ballots containing not only English and Spanish, but Indian as well.
And Chinese, and French, and German, and Japanese...
Well, where does it end, anyway?
Thursday, May 25, 2006
English for All
Posted by whatagem at 3:55 PM