Saturday, April 01, 2006

Mmm, Chinese Food

When we lived in the rental house, we were always eating Chinese Food. This buffet place was real close to our house and the lunch special was really cheap. We'd get the buffet to go and they'd hand us 2 styrofoam containers.

We'd load it up until we couldn't fit any more food in the containers. They'd always ask if we'd like a bag and we'd go, "Oh no, no! That's ok!" They'd pick up the little containers and discover that it weighed 12 pounds, then proceed to cussing us out in Chinese.

It didn't hurt our feelings any. We'd take our little styrofoam boxes and eat all day for three days straight.

The little restaurant is closed now. I noticed shortly after we moved, they went out of business. It's hard to say if we kept them alive or were the catalyst of their closing.

In the words of the comic Louie Anderson, "You here four hours! You go now! You drive restaurant out of business!"

I still haven't found a Chinese restaurant that makes Sesame Chicken like those guys. The search remains on!